Posts tagged “soldier

North Korean Roadside Attactions

Hamhung, North Korea

Soldier squirrels, missiles, and AK-47s raised defiantly into the air, just a few examples of the roadside attractions (propaganda) commonly seen in towns outside Pyongyang, North Korea.


A Load of Firewood in the North Korean Countryside

Wonson - Pyongyang Countryside

A rare photo from the North Korean countryside – on the road between Wonsan and Pyongyang, a troop of soldiers return to base with a truck load of firewood.   I love some of the small details I captured here: the girl in the back holding a branch with flower blossoms, a smile on the man in front, and girls curiously checking out the tourist bus as it passes.

Soldier With Flowers

A North Korean soldier with flowers passes by as we sightsee at the southern entrance to the Nampo West Sea Barrage – just another example of the humanity of the North Korean people rarely shown by the mainstream western media – photo by Joseph A Ferris III

North Korean Soldier/Sailor with Flowers

Read more about this experience and many more like it at Joshua’s Spodek’s Blog.

Ladies Take a Quick Break at Marching Practice

I plan to post one of my North Korea pictures each day between working on longer text heavy posts.  But how to decide what picture to post?  I’m going to try letting the greater public decide by posting the previous day’s most viewed DPRK pic off my Flickr site.  At 18 views yesterday, below we have a group of young ladies in uniform taking a break from marching practice.  I don’t know why they had been marching, just because they are in uniform does not mean they are soldiers, perhaps they were getting ready to perform in that nights Arirang Mass Games performance.

Marching Practice North Korea